New Labor Publication Launched in New England

By The Editorial Board of The Masses 

Our comrades in the Southern New England Labor Council have recently launched their own labor publication, New Labor Press!

The “about” section on their new site explains their goal to “write unapologetically and uncompromisingly from the perspective of us, everyday workers who are frustrated and tired not just with our conditions and what we have to put up with day-to-day, but who are also fed-up with the sell-outs and wanna-be politicians that make 99% of modern-day “union leadership.”” 

We at The Masses find this new publication to be extremely timely as we continue to experience an enormous strike wave and continued growth in the labor movement. This has coincided with a reorientation of the Maoist movement in the united states to organized labor following years of red charity, movementism, and localism. A major focus of our work in this transition to work within the labor movement must be that of political exposures and political education, and it is exactly this type of work that New Labor Press sets out to accomplish. 

We congratulate our comrades at the Southern New England Labor Council on the launching of their new project, and look forward to continued correspondence, collaboration, and two-line struggle with these comrades. The Editorial Board of The Masses encourages our readers to visit New Labor Press, and give them their support. 

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