Whoever Wins, You Lose: Response to the Atlanta June 2024 Presidential Debate

By Comrade Lizzie

ATLANTA, GEORGIA – On June 27th, 2024, the two competing figureheads of the American bourgeoisie will convene in Atlanta to hold a televised debate in which they will vie for the votes and popular support of the American masses. No doubt in this debate they will seek to draw out the distinguishing features between the two campaigns, and portray themselves as more worthy of the People’s support. This whole endeavor reveals itself as a farce when we actually examine the facts of their tenures in office.

Each man passed near-identical policies, with Trump passing concessions to American reaction and Biden using the language of progress to do the same. Both men are actively in support of the arming of the most violent wings of Ukrainian reaction, both men also favor throwing away Ukrainian lives in service of NATO’s global interest in expanding the control of western imperialism. Both men support the escalation of war with China, the so called “New Cold War”, and the relentless imperialist program in East Asia. In West Asia and North Africa both men are united in their policy of aggression towards Iran and their support of the US proxy states in Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Most egregiously of all is the unity of their thought with regard to supporting the Zionist genocidal and settler colonial program against the Palestinian people.

Domestically each man is only different on the surface. Both pledge billions of dollars towards the US Military, both oppose Healthcare and Housing guarantees, both support the lifting of essential COVID protections right on the doorstep of a newly emerging H1N1 variant being detected in wastewater readings. Here in Atlanta we can see the naked face of Reaction as both men’s parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, have both locally thrown their full support behind the Cop City project and all of the violence and repression which have made up the response to the mass rising against it. Atlanta’s Democrat mayor has recently authorized martial law procedures against any public gatherings of people after the recent failure of the water system left much of the city with no running water. Perhaps most tellingly the Democrats recently pushed through the harshest border bill ever passed, most of the text being near-directly lifted from the openly racist and xenophobic (and yet unfulfilled) promises of the Trump administration. When the two options presented to the public are both united in the field against the people of the World and especially the people of the United States, what option remains?

The alternative offered by revisionists and social democrats is the fielding of third-party candidates, token gestures intended to “unite the people” but in reality serving no function beyond the dissolution of the fighting spirit and hypnotizing of the people by the dead end politics of capitalist electoralism. Whether candidates call themselves Socialists is irrelevant, they must be evaluated based on the reality of their methods and their aims. The nationalization of certain wealthy companies does nothing to advance the struggle against Imperialism, and is not Socialist. Vague slogans about “Unity” or “Conscience” are not the slogans of the Working Class, but instead slogans of bourgeois moralism which seeks to redirect the fighting efforts of the Working Class into a reconciliatory “National Dialogue”. These candidates have to be rejected in full. Their efforts must be rebuffed and their programs and slogans must be criticized and, if found inadequate, rejected in whole or in part. The way forward can be only one: To build the political and practical power of the working class through Revolution.

The methods for revolution are historically attested. The bodies which have been the vehicles of revolution have not historically been simply declared unilaterally. They must be struggled towards, built up, they are at all stages labors of love and care which are undertaken by the Masses and for the Masses. This Summer and Fall we will all be bombarded by the constant campaigning on behalf of the two figureheads of American imperialism, we must reject it. Instead we must come together, study and train in the science of revolution. On the campuses, in the workplaces, in neighborhoods and apartment buildings, everyone has the same task laid before them. It is one which cannot be undertaken lightly, as it is a great burden and a great condemnation. Workers and oppressed peoples of the world, you are condemned to win.

Join us to rally at Home Park (1015 Tumlin Street) on June 27th, 2024 at 8:30 PM in Atlanta, Georgia!
Follow the link for details: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8aBibjOQJJ/

Reject Imperialism!
Reject Revisionism!
Study Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Build Revolution!

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